My fit(ish) pregnancy with F45

Hello. This is my second post about working-out, which is a weird flex (pun intended), given the very minimal role formal exercise has played in my life since I wrote this post, three years ago. Sure, life is busy, exercise is hard to fit in, and there are other surface-level reasons why I hadn’t kept […]

Read More My fit(ish) pregnancy with F45

Let Them be Wild

Let them be wild. Let them feel the power and glory of holding a garden hose in summer. And let me have clean towels on hand for when they get cold. Let them be buried in leaves so deeply that their clothes stink of autumnal rot in the fall. And let me muster the energy to finish […]

Read More Let Them be Wild

To my Second, on his First

One year has come and gone, with you here on Earth, Your arrival was smooth – an uncomplicated birth. A few hours at the birth centre, and into our arms you came, It hurt like hell, but then again, for that, you’re not to blame. When you met your brother, he welcomed you into the […]

Read More To my Second, on his First

Queen Mommy

During a recent Netflix n’ chill (alone with popcorn) session, I listened to comedian Tom Segura do a spiel about how as parents, we don’t have time to ourselves anymore, but we do have moments. He explained that the days of sleeping till noon, having lunch, and vegging out for the rest of the day […]

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